Clean Water
Delivering clean drinking water to rural third-world communities.
We believe that access to safe drinking water is a basic human right, but the need is great. According to the World Health Organization, in 2020, approximately 26% of the global population did not use water from a safely managed drinking water service.
There are millions of people without access to clean water across the globe. We’re doing what we can to provide sustainable access to rural communities in Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
Access to clean water lifts up the entire community, giving rise to educational and economic opportunities. Something as simple as water provides a path out of generational poverty for a whole community of people.
We have built relationships with the local government, hired and trained local workers, obtained the necessary equipment, and have a long list of viable well sites. With the help of our donors and partners, we’re digging dozens of wells per year, delivering life-giving water to hundreds of people who previously relied on contaminated water sources that made them sick.
Deep Water Wells are a Good Solution
We provide safe drinking water by digging deep water wells on community property secured legally with the local government. This improves community health although still requires families to walk to the water source and carry their water back to their home.
Water Distribution Systems are Even Better
We distribute safe drinking water to individual homes by building a reservoir and piping system connected to a previously dug well. This improves access to clean water as it is piped directly to their home location versus requiring them to carry heavy containers to their homes.